Gallery Guardian

Gallery Guardian smartphone app is like an AI chastity belt for teens


This new app helps you to monitor the content your kid creates and receives on their mobile. It’s the way for parents to watchdog without bothering their children.


Gallery Guardian (GG) is an app created by YIPO Technologies that is revolutionizing keeping an eye on your kid.


The application uses image recognition to improve kid safety on-line by notifying parents each time their kid takes or receives inappropriate pictures on any social media app — without having to see them. For this to work, both the parent’s and child’s phones should have the app installed and paired.


According to Digital Trends, there’s a loophole within the app, stating image process isn’t done locally on phones because it would result in battery drain and excessive process power, though chief executive officer Skowronski says that the goal is for this to be the case.


With the latest tech-bred generation, it’s simple to lose track of what goes on their screens. In their teens, it’s common for boys and girls to be exposed to inappropriate content, and it’s difficult for parents to stay a check on this — unless it means that taking away their phone.



Founder and chief executive officer of YIPO Technologies, Daniel Skowronski, explains, “Social media has created new challenges for parents, but the solution isn’t to load spyware on your child’s phone. With Gallery Guardian, parents will protect their kids regarding their privacy.”


It may seem invasive, but it’s fully necessary.


According to pew analysis, approximately 1.2 million teens have sent sexually suggestive nude or almost nude images of themselves to somebody else via text messaging, whereas Do something published that Nov 11 of teen girls ages thirteen to sixteen are involved sending or receiving sexually explicit messages. For any parents, these statistics are worrying.


An application like Gallery Guardian provides a healthy alternative, allowing kids to navigate on the net while staying safe. but how many teens can conform to install the app on their phone?

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