Google Earth on Web

Google Earth on Web is almost ready to work on Firefox


Earlier this year, Google Earth finally became accessible on a browser, giving you a way to virtually explore our world without having to install its application. At the moment, though, it’ll only work if you are using Google Chrome, something its developers are working hard to change: their official Twitter account has just revealed that they are creating good progress on bringing the web-based app to Firefox.



Back when the earth team were working on the app for the web, they only had 2 ways to bring native code into a browser. They chose a method referred to as “Native client,” that only Chrome supports but promised to create another version using WebAssembly, the open standard for running native code within the browser that is still in development. currently that WebAssembly has advanced enough for the team to use, they are finally been able to show off what the Firefox port of Earth would look like.


The great thing about WebAssembly is that it’s supported not just by Chrome and Firefox, but also by safari and Edge. So, once Google is done porting Earth over, you might be able to access all of its satellite imagery on almost any browser you want.


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