google duo

Start Google Duovideo calls instantly, Google finally enables the features


One of the underrated video call app Google duo video service. But the company is trying it in many ways to get more users interested. Now, users with Google’s own dialer app will start duo calls with just a tap.

Duo’s integration with other Android apps was 1st announced back in Oct, but the actual rollout ne’er really happened. As Android Police points out, duo’s button in the dialer app has been hidden even through updates to Duo and the Phone app itself. Now though, it’s finally appearing.

Just calling a user through the dialer app’s provides you typical options like adding a call, mute, and turning on speaker mode. Now, one more option has been added with a shortcut to start a duo call. As you would expect, this button quickly opens a duo call to that same number. And, once the video call has started, the phone call will be hang up.

Now that this is enabled, your phone app’s call log will also house a record of duo calls. Just like Google before announced. This was all apparently activated by a server-side switch. So it might not be enabled on your own phone just yet.

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