Intel Developer Kit

Intel Voice Enabling Developer Kit is now up for pre-order


Intel and Amazon are partnering to mix the former’s silicon and smarts with the latter’s Alexa voice platform. The chipmaker has introduced the Intel Speech enabling Developer Kit to supply a “complete audio front-end solution for far-field voice control,” according to a announcement. the concept is that Intel has done the hard work of designing the mic arrays and voice systems and that all developers can need to do is write applications for them. It offers algorithms for echo cancellation and beam forming, wake words, an 8-mic array and therefore the company’s twin digital signal processor.



The development kit is up for pre-order starting today for $399. And while that might be alittle too costly for a hobbyist developer (a Raspberry Pi prices $25), it’s not exorbitantly priced like some game console development kits. If you wait until after the pre-order window, the price jumps by $100.


Of course, if you do not need to get your hands dirty with hardware — or spend any cash — you can always build skills for Alexa for free with Amazon’s developer portal. that is helped Amazon’s voice platform grow by leaps and bounds, so it’ll be interesting to see what effect Intel’s new kit will have.




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