follow hashtags

Instagram testing new feature on follow hashtags

Sometimes, you do not need to keep up with individual folks on Instagram as you do a trending topic — say, the most recent in tech (we’re slightly biased here) or a giant protest. That presently involves laborious searches for hashtags, but it’d become comparatively trivial shortly. Users have discovered that Instagram is testing an […]

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Facebook relaunches Events app called as Local

Last year, Facebook introduced Events — a standalone app that combined a dedicated calendar with happenings around the city. The app wasn’t a hit — it dropped out of the most-downloaded iOS apps a few days after launching, according to knowledge from marketing research firm App Annie, and ne’er came back. Today Facebook is attempting […]

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IBM prototype processor

IBM’s processor pushes quantum computing closer to ‘supremacy’

IBM Q research has built & tested an operational 50 qubit prototype processor, a large leap up from its previous record of seventeen qubits. the corporate is also set to make a twenty qubit quantum system out there on-line for shoppers to try, with an updated superconducting design, connectivity, and packaging. That’ll let users run […]

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display name

Twitter increase display name length up to 50 characters

If you have always wished to use all your names, suffixes, aliases, and titles on Twitter, now’s your time to shine. The social network currently supports to show names up to fifty characters long. It would have been better if the feature came out last Halloween so you could have used that awesome but lengthy […]

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intelligent home audio

Roku is finally getting into intelligent home audio

Roku quietly acquired Danish audio startup Dynastrom for $3.5 million in Sep according to a regulatory filing spotted yesterday by variety. The filling does not expressly refer to Dynastrom by name but refers to a privately held technology company based in Denmark. variety scanned LinkedIn and found more Dynastrom staff, including its  CTO and Chief […]

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scam mail

Forward your scam mail to this chatbot it will waste their time for you

Chatbots. They usually use your time in vain, so why does not someone else go in vain instead? better yet: why not have them waste an email scammer’s time. That’s the premise behind Re: scam, an email chatbot operated by New Zealand cybersecurity firm Netsafe. Netsafe says Next time you’ll get a spam mail in […]

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tesla new software update

Tesla releases new software update with new driving mode is ‘chill’

Tesla started releases a new software update to its fleet this weekend with 2 new convenience features. The car manufacturer has added a feature to provide the option to soften the crazy acceleration of the Model S and Model X and it also pushed another requested feature. Tesla is appropriately known as the new feature […]

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Astronomers Discover

Astronomers Discover This star refuses to die, even after it explodes

Supernovae are some the brightest and most powerful events in our galaxy. These occur once stars that have a lot of greater mass than that of our sun explode; they become incredibly bright, and so slowly fade over the course of some months as they lose energy. under the terms of how we traditionally understand […]

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Facebook explains the new revenge porn prevention program

When Facebook revealed its experimental porn prevention program in Australia, it raised lots of eyebrows. After all, you will 1st need to upload your sensitive pictures if you do not need them to get posted by anybody else. Now, global Head of Safety Antigone Davis has defended the test feature during a post that also […]

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Ford tests exoskeleton

Ford tests exoskeleton to increasing productivity and morale

Exoskeletons operating for real-life applications Companies are beginning to propose, from soldier support to serving to paraplegic patients walk. but they might even be customized to assist everyday employees with their harder tasks, as Lowe’s lift-easing prototype demonstrated. Ford is taking a special tack by investment in the EksoVest, a new exoskeleton that supports manufacturing […]

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